The Other Side

Long time, no write. I just reread my last post and it hit me; I’m officially on the other side of that heartbreak I was feeling. It feels so good to see where I am now. I’ve been journaling so much lately, creating healthy routines, doing shadow work, finding ways to love myself and raise my self-esteem. I’m a big “We’re Not Really Strangers” fan and I have the self reflection journal set and the Own It expansion pack. The other night I pulled a card that said “What door are you most grateful for closing that felt like the end of the world at the time? What did it open for you?” I thought that break up was the end of my world when it happened, but I’m so grateful that I pulled through. I feel closer to myself now, I’m doing things that make me happy, I’m evaluating what’s adding to my life and what’s draining me. I just feel lighter and like I’m where I’m supposed to be. I’ve got a lot to work on still, but this path feels good and nourishing. The rest of the year is bringing so many changes for me in terms of where I’m living and career. I’m ready to bask in the fact that I won’t be comfortable because I am welcoming the challenges and change. They’re going to lead to such wonderful things and deepen the relationship with myself.

Main goals:

  1. Stop people-pleasing
  2. Set healthy boundaries
  3. Stop relying on the gratification of others to feel good about myself
  4. Be present
  5. Get off the damn phone

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